UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Medical Alumni Association in America

Violeta Rivera Mangahas, MD

18 Aug 2016 3:47 PM | Primo Andres (Administrator)

IN MEMORIAM : Violeta Rivera Mangahas, MD 

By: Josefina del Mundo Vallarta, MD 

With deep sorrow and sympathy for Joven and his family, we mourn the death of his childhood sweetheart and beloved wife, , Lily , on August 17, 2016. She is now resting in peace with God's everlasting love and happiness. We can't feel saddened over the loss of those we love without first remembering the joy of loving and being loved by them. The real sadness would have been never having them in our lives at all. God has blessed our classmates, Lily and Joven with love, faith, success, prosperity, 4 children, 8 grandchildren and achievements which have given them JOY. We thank Lily and Joven for their support and contribution to the USTMED Class 1958 Legacy, Celebrations and Reunions. Read the Profiles of their family and professional achievements , their avocations and message in our book " The Thomasians 2008 Golden Jubilarians ". Let us celebrate Lily's life, her achievements and success. May God comfort and bless Joven and their family with the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit always ! 

Josie and Pol Vallarta

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10:48 AM (6 hours ago)

to me

We grieve of the loss of a classmate and great friend Violeta (Lily) Rivera - Mangahas. We are blessed with happy memories of Lily. We have played many rounds of golf together, by the way Lily is the best  female golfer of UST Medical class of ’58. We have visited each other’s home  many times even when they were still in Indiana some twenty odd years. My wife and I get together with Lily and Joven at least once a year, the latest one was February this year. Lily has been very active in reuniting the class of ’58. At least once a year for two years before the incomparable dance presentation, dubbed as dancing Queens, Lily would assemble all participants, hire a dance instructor to teach us and practice the different dance moves for one week at a time at their home at The Villages of Florida. This dance was presented at our Golden Jubilee in conjunction with annual USTMAAA at Las Vegas.

Through Lily & Joven the class of ’58 continue this yearly reunion, of late working with Bill & Mary Oh also class of ’58. It is fitting and a tribute to Lily that the reunion scheduled by Lily and Bill Oh in September 2016 be postponed for next year.

 Lily you will be sorely missed.

It was Joven & Lily that proposed me for the 2014 USTMAAA Most Outstanding Alumni for Community Service Award. Also they support the American Foundation to Aid the Poor.


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