UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Medical Alumni Association in America

T a l e n t   N i g h t

                             Guidelines for talent show participants

1.  The purpose of this event is to showcase the talents of class jubilarians or their designee/s.  Non-jubilarian performers will be considered only on a case by case basis.

2.  Each jubilarian class or their designee/s will be allowed one performance of 6 (SIX) minutes or less, including entrance and exit.  Anyone who goes over the allotted maximum time of 6 (SIX) minutes will be humorously "gonged off" the stage.

3. Performances should be crowd pleasers, wholesome, apolitical, and devoid of profanities or sexual content.  Anyone violating this rule will be summarily "gonged off" the stage.

4. Each jubilarian class or their designee/s will be provided a rehearsal room, which will also be their gala presentation practice room.

5. The performances shall be reviewed and approved by the talent coordinator no later than 2 (two) weeks prior to the convention.

6. Class presenter or their designee/s shall provide their own music accompaniment, instruments, and props.

7. Any special requests, issues, or questions should be directed to the talent coordinator, Jess Chua, either by phone at (337) 251-9557 or email at

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